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Angular, TypeScript, and RxJS Training

Attend these interactive workshops to learn Angular, TypeScript, and RxJS! These workshops are perfect for developers wanting to move from AngularJS to Angular, front-end and back-end developers needing to learn Angular from the ground up, or anyone considering using TypeScript or RxJS on projects. 



The TypeScript training will cover fundamental knowledge about the language and how to be productive as an Angular developer using it.



Our Angular training explains Angular fundamentals with hands-on learning exercises to ultimately build, unit test, and deploy a working Angular app in version 7 of Angular.



Our RxJS training covers foundational reactive programming concepts and how to use RxJS subjects, observables, operators, and more.

What Previous FieldGuide Trainees Have to Say:

Who is this training for?

132. AngularJS Developers

Fig 132

AngularJS developers wanting to learn Angular will greatly benefit from this course and learn how to transfer their current AngularJS knowledge to building Angular2-8 applications.

Appearance: Looking to explore new greener pastures with advanced development techniques.

Habitat: AngularJS applications with Gulp, Grunt, or Webpack.

Behavior: Confident in using modules, directives, and factories to build kickass AngularJS applications.

133. Back-End Developers

Fig 133

Java, .NET, and other backend language engineers can learn how to architect and write front-end code using Angular.

Appearance: Grizzled and experienced in building APIs, server support.

Habitat: Java or .NET codebases with a dusting of html and JavaScript.

Behavior: Fearlessly wrangles backend code, architects solutions, timidly approaches JavaScript heavy work.

134. Front-End Developers

Fig 134

Experienced front-end developers needing to get up to speed quickly on TypeScript, RxJS, and Angular will find this training pragmatic and can explore more advanced implementation examples built into each exercise.

Appearance: Eager to learn and consume all JavaScript frameworks. Hops around client-side code with ease.

Habitat: Angular, Vue, React, Svelte, or any trendy JavaScript library. Some may be spotted in jQuery environments.

Behavior: Quick to adapt to new landscapes and technologies, looking for pragmatic trainings with hands on exercises and advanced implementation examples.

Angular Field Guide

Table of Contents


  • "Why TypeScript" introduction
  • Modern IDE support & linting
  • Types
  • Functions using Types
  • TypeScript Classes
  • Interfaces
  • Generics


This training is built around our own Angular Tutorial, where students will learn to write, unit test, refactor, and deploy a real Angular application.

  • "Why Angular" introduction
  • IDEs and plugins to aid Angular development
  • App Creation & using the Angular CLI
  • Creating and displaying Components
  • Templating binding, built-in logic directives, displaying dynamic content
  • Working with Pipes
  • Basic Routes to components, Navigation, and RouterLinkActive
  • Writing Services
  • Exploring Dependency Injection
  • Fetching data using Http
  • Intro to RxJS Observables, Subscriptions, Async pipe, and avoiding memory leaks
  • Template-driven forms overview, and extensive Reactive forms API
  • Unit testing, mocking HTTP responses, unit testing parent-child component interaction
  • Advanced Routing, nested Routes andParameters, ActivatedRoute
  • Nesting Components and passing data between Components
  • Building CRUD functionality with Services and Components


  • RxJS basics with Observables
  • Reading and writing to Observables
  • Using the map operator
  • Learn to debug Observables without effecting state
  • Using merge and scan operators
  • Manage state with Observables to display validation and processing in UI
  • Flattening Observables, using combineLatest operator, and converting Observables to multicast subject


Are there any prerequisites to attend?

Attendees should have basic web development knowledge including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

What do I need to bring?

Attendees will need a wifi-enabled laptop and ability(admin credentials) to install any tools you may need, including Node, Git, and Visual Studio Code or similar IDEs, and anything else to be productive(mouse, headphones, power cord).

Why in-person vs. an Online or Pluralsight Training?

When it comes to learning code, there is no substitute for having a more experienced developer in the room to walk through concepts and help spot mistakes. Our trainers have vast experience both in Angular and web development in general, and can break down advanced topics and draw parallels based on student's existing knowledge.

Why "Field Guide"?

A field guide is a book designed to help the reader identify wildlife, plants, or other objects of natural occurrence. It is generally designed to be brought into the 'field' or local area where such objects exist to help distinguish between similar objects.

Field guides are often designed to help users distinguish animals and plants that may be similar in appearance but are not necessarily closely related.

The web development ecosystem is far too robust to teach any concept fully in only a few hours, or even a few days. We have creating this training to act as a field guide to outline the things a pragmatic developer needs to know to be effective day one as well as to teach the developer what patterns and best practices to recognize and employ in the ever-expanding landscape of modern web development.

Upcoming Trainings

Topic Location Date
Angular, RxJS, TypeScript Chicago Nov 18, 2019
Angular, RxJS, TypeScript San Francisco Nov 25, 2019
Angular, RxJS, TypeScript San Jose Dec 2, 2019

Our Instructors

Jennifer Wadella at NG Conference

Jennifer Wadella

Jennifer is an international and keynote speaker known for delivering fun and engaging talks with immediately executable strategies. She's been building Angular apps since 2014 and gives talks & trainings all over the world on how to build better, scalable, performant, and accessible JavaScript applications. She is a Google Developer Expert in Angular and Web Technologies and isn't afraid to dive into even the scariest legacy codebase. 


Justin Meyer

Justin is a contributor to CanJS (a web app framework), StealJS (a module loader) and DoneJS (a kitchen sink). He’s also the CEO of Bitovi (a web consultancy). As a writer of autobiographical blurbs, he knows to use his two children, love of history books, and hobbies like running to make him appear more human. But… is he really…

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