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The Truth Behind Micro Frontends: Insights from Real Case Studies

Written by Amy Cutlip | May 23, 2024

When you’re seeking improved manageability for your web application, the idea of breaking down traditional monolithic frontend architectures into smaller, more manageable segments conjures visions of enhanced efficiency and seamless deployment.

Micro Frontends are often touted as the magic solution for scaling apps, but are their benefits just smoke and mirrors?

This post delves into the strategic benefits and shortcomings of Micro Frontends, supplemented by practical insights from industry giants like Capital One and Spotify and our own frontend engineering experience.

What are the benefits of Micro Frontends?

While improved manageability and better app performance are tantalizing prospects, it’s crucial to evaluate the specific advantages of Micro Frontends before you implement them in your application.

The core benefits of Micro Frontends are team autonomy, decentralized development that increases the speed of iteration, and tech stacks that are tailored to each Micro Frontend.

Increased team autonomy

Micro Frontends allow for a scalable organizational structure where teams can function as autonomous units within the larger corporate ecosystem. Each team’s capability to own distinct sections of a product ensures efficient resource allocation and increases the team's autonomy. Such autonomy fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility among teams and is often accompanied by improved job satisfaction and morale, as teams feel more in control of their work environment and output.

Autonomous teams also have opportunities to build their own culture, developing a sense of pride in being the “Cart Team” or the “Listing Team.” The organic team-building that comes from autonomy improves mutual trust within a team, ultimately increasing overall morale and developer satisfaction. Moreover, the Micro Frontend model supports a learning culture, where teams can experiment and innovate with fewer constraints, contributing to personal growth and organizational knowledge.

Decentralized development

One of the most compelling benefits of Micro Frontends is the facilitation of decentralized development. In a traditional monolithic frontend architecture, multiple teams often have to coordinate closely, leading to potential bottlenecks and slower iterations. With Micro Frontends, however, each team can develop, test, and deploy frontend applications independently.

Decentralizing development not only enhances productivity but also significantly speeds up the development lifecycle. Each team manages their own application, making decisions and implementing changes without waiting for other teams. Reducing dependencies accelerates the iteration process, allowing for features to be shipped as they’re finished, rather than waiting for a major release.

This approach also allows teams to work on various parts of the application simultaneously, enabling more effective use of CI/CD pipelines, where each Micro Frontend can be deployed independently, with less risk of affecting other parts of the application.

Your Micro Frontends are only as good as your CI/CD pipeline. Talk to our DevOps consulting experts about how you can add safeguards to your Micro Frontend deployments.

Tailored tech stacks

Another significant advantage of Micro Frontends is the ability to use different tech stacks for different parts of the application. In a monolithic frontend, the entire application is usually constrained to a single technology stack, which might not be ideal for all use cases. Micro Frontends, however, allows each component to use the technology that best fits its requirements.

The flexibility in technology choice enables teams to leverage the latest and most efficient tools for their specific needs, allowing for smoother transitions to new technologies and easier maintenance since changes are isolated to specific parts of the application.

What are the drawbacks of Micro Frontends?

While Micro Frontends provide flexibility and scalability, they also introduce complexities in development, performance, and testing. It’s important to weigh the drawbacks of Micro Frontends against the benefits to determine if they are the right fit for your project.

Our VP of Frontend Engineering, Jennifer Wadella, has an excellent presentation on potential issues with Micro Frontends, which you can catch here.

Increased complexity

One of the primary challenges of Micro Frontends is the increased complexity of managing multiple frontend applications. Each Micro Frontend may have its own build process, deployment pipeline, and dependencies, leading to potential duplication of efforts and resources. This can complicate the development workflow, especially for smaller teams that may not have the capacity to handle such complexity effectively.

Performance overhead

Performance overhead is also a concern with Micro Frontends. Loading multiple Micro Frontends can lead to increased network requests and larger overall payload sizes, potentially affecting the application's performance. Ensuring efficient communication and integration between Micro Frontends requires careful consideration and optimization to avoid latency and performance bottlenecks.

Complicated debugging and testing

Lastly, Micro Frontends can complicate debugging and testing processes. Issues that span multiple Micro Frontends can be harder to trace and resolve due to the distributed nature of the architecture and confusion about which team the bug belongs to. Comprehensive testing strategies are required to ensure that all Micro Frontends work seamlessly together, which can increase the time and effort needed for quality assurance.

What companies use Micro Frontends?

Capital One: Micro Frontends with an “app shell”

Capital One has transitioned from a monolithic architecture to a micro-frontend approach to improve scalability and speed up development. The shift has allowed them to create over 100 Micro Frontends, with different teams responsible for various components, enabling independent development and deployment. Each Micro Frontend is built using frameworks like Vue.js and React, and communication between Micro Frontends is managed via Node.js microservices. Capital One’s modular architecture allows for continuous integration and deployment, significantly increasing the release frequency from bi-monthly to multiple daily releases​.

Capital One's Micro Frontend architecture employs an "app shell" with multi-level routing, where each URL segment helps in page composition. The setup facilitates loading different Micro Frontends dynamically on a single page, driven by JSON configurations. Each Micro Frontend can be updated and deployed independently, minimizing downtime and reducing the risk of widespread issues. Capital One’s approach handles complex functionalities with greater efficiency, allowing up to 50 teams to work concurrently with reduced technical and communication friction​.

Spotify: Micro Frontends with iframes

Spotify employs Micro Frontends to enhance the development and deployment processes of their desktop application, allowing them to break down the application into smaller, more manageable pieces. Their Micro Frontends are deployed independently using iframes for integration and an event bus for communication. Spotify’s modular architecture ensures that different teams can work on separate features like the music player, search functionality, or user playlists without interfering with each other’s work, promoting faster iterations and frequent updates.

Spotify has also developed TypeScript Platform APIs that abstract data sources and playback stacks, allowing the same React-based user interface to run on both the web player and the desktop client. Decoupling the platform not only ensures feature parity and a consistent user experience across platforms but also enhances performance by enabling the use of technologies optimized for each component's needs. As a result, Spotify can rapidly add new features like offline mode and advanced playlist management, demonstrating the effectiveness of Micro Frontends in managing large-scale applications.

Medline (and Bitovi): Improving performance with Micro Frontends

Medline’s transition to Micro Frontends illustrates the profound impact of this architecture on performance and scalability. Faced with the limitations of a monolithic Angular application, Medline needed a solution that could handle increased complexity and traffic volume. They reached out to Bitovi for help.

Medline's architecture team decided to migrate from an Angular monolithic application to a React-based Micro Frontend architecture using Next.js and Module Federation. We joined forces to provide senior expertise, tackling tough feature work, managing breaking changes between Module Federation and Next.js versions, and conducting comprehensive code reviews and mentoring sessions to get their new architecture into production.

Through our ongoing collaboration, we helped Medline leverage the full potential of Micro Frontends, transforming their e-commerce platform into a more dynamic, responsive, and scalable solution. Our efforts ensured that each feature could be developed, tested, and deployed independently, significantly improving deployment speeds and system performance. This partnership not only resolves critical production issues but also empowers Medline's team with the skills and knowledge needed to maintain and enhance their new architecture, positioning them for continued success in their digital initiatives.


Adopting Micro Frontends should be a strategic decision influenced by your team’s structure, project complexity, and overall business objectives. Before you go all in on Micro Frontends, it’s crucial to consider key factors like the size of your development team, the diversity of the functionalities required by your application, and your current technological stack.

While our exploration of Micro Frontends across various case studies demonstrates their capacity to enhance autonomy, accelerate development, and facilitate scalability, there are still downsides you should consider. It is vital to assess both the potential benefits and the challenges Micro Frontends may pose to your existing systems and workflows.

For now, as we venture further into an era dominated by digital transformation, Micro Frontends offer a promising path for organizations aiming to remain agile and responsive to market dynamics.

Are Micro Frontends right for you?

Our frontend development experts can help you decide. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your Micro Frontend strategy or to learn more about evaluating whether Micro Frontends are right for your app.