Learn Docker
So you want to learn about Docker?
You're in luck. We've enlisted two members of our incredible DevOps team to guide you through this free, hands-on, virtual training.
Let us take you from interested to expert, in just a few hours.
The Details
Date: Thursday, August 24, 2023
Time: 9:30AM - 12PM
Where: Virtually, via Zoom (we'll send you the link once you register)
Who: DevOps engineers Max Cascone and Karam Kaur will guide you through the Docker training and answer any questions you have along the way.
Anything else? The only prerequisite for this course is having Docker installed on your machine. You can do that HERE.
Docker, explained.
In this hands on training, we'll explore Docker in depth.
- What is Docker - Explore Docker concepts and architecture
- Build a Node App - Build a simple Express API to use for the rest of the course
- Writing a Dockerfile - Write a Dockerfile to containerize the node app
- Build and Run An Image - Build an image and run a container for our node app
- Volumes and Local Development - Streamline local development workflows with bind mounts
- Production Readiness - Trimming the fat from our docker image
- Docker Compose - Make Docker easier to use and orchestrate multiple containers
Bitovi Community Discord
Join us on our Discord server. It's a great place to ask questions and talk tech with like-minded people. We have a dedicated Docker channel, so you can ask questions, network, and share insights before, during, and after the training!