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January 2017 DoneJS Community Update

This post highlights the notable releases, community projects, and technical content released in the DoneJS community last month.

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

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Lots of notable releases, community projects, and technical content were released in the DoneJS community last month! This post outlines some of the highlights from January 2017.

Notable releases

After announcing the release of CanJS 3 last month, we released CanJS 3.4, which features can-connect-feathers for seamless integration with FeathersJS.

Hot on the heels of StealJS 1.0 release last month, Steal 1.1 and Steal-Tools 1.1 were published! The former includes a new feature which simplifies the use of steal-clone with default exports, while the latter adds support for minifying JavaScript files with a custom function.

Community projects

The following projects were released by various members in our community.

Adam L Barrett published a 0.10 release of react-view-models, which connects “observable view-models to React presentational components to create auto-rendering container components.” The project is in its infancy, but if you’re interested in contributing, check out the project’s issues on GitHub.

Juan Orozco published a few validation-related modules for CanJS:

Matthew Phillips released a couple different modules:

Nico R. published donejs-select, which is a component for “KnockoutJS-style select for DoneJS.”

Marshall published can-route-react, which “is a collection of React components that help with routing… modeled after the ones found in React Router.” It’s still an experiment, so if you’re interested in contributing, check out the project’s issues on GitHub.


Blog posts, talks & trainings

I published a blog post on How to Upgrade to StealJS 1. If you’re migrating a project from a previous version to StealJS 1, you’ll enjoy the improved Migration Guide.

Manuel Mujica has done some incredible work on steal-conditional. He recorded a video with Matthew Phillips and published a blog post on How To Conditionally Load Modules with StealJS. It was even featured by JavaScript Daily!

Steve Domino published a blog post on creating a DoneJS app with Nanobox.

Justin Meyer hosted a training on How DefineMap Works.

We also hosted and were involved in a few local meetups:

Additionally, Adam Barrett hosted a StealJS Overview & Walkthrough. It’s now available to any Forward Courses subscribers.



In addition to the projects and releases we’ve already mentioned, we’d like to recognize the following contributions from people outside the core team:

Brad Momberger made some contributions to CanJS:

Colin Leong made a contribution to DoneJS:

Curtis Cummings made a few contributions to FuncUnit and Testee:

Ilya Fadeev made some contributions to CanJS:

jcarbou made a contribution to StealJS:

Juan Orozco made a contribution to CanJS:

Kevin Dillon made a contribution to Syn:

Manuel Mujica made a ton of contributions to StealJS:

Mike ‘mitch’ Mitchel made a contribution to CanJS:

Nitin Pasumarthy made a few contributions to CanJS

What’s next

The core team is focused on the DoneJS 1.0 release, which will include CanJS 3 and StealJS 1.

We’re also starting to think about issues we’ll tackle after the DoneJS 1 release. One of those issues is improving templating in CanJS. We have a request for proposals open to collect ideas from the community. If you have thoughts on templating within CanJS, join the conversation!

This month we’ll be hosting a couple local meetups:

Keep up with the latest in the community by following us on Twitter or joining us on our forums or Gitter chat!