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March 2018 DoneJS Community Update

CanJS 4 & DoneJS 2, new CanJS debugging & forms guides, improved error messages & handling, and more!

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

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CanJS 4 & DoneJS 2

CanJS 4 and DoneJS 2 are out! Check out those blog posts for the full details on the new:

CanJS debugging guide

The new debugging guide has lots of tips and tricks for debugging observables, modifying view-models in your console, debugging stache templates, and even creating cool graphs like this one to understand the relationships between your observables:


CanJS forms guide

We also have a new forms guide that shows you tips & tricks for attribute & event bindings, working with different types of html elements, validating forms, and more!


One of the examples: how to bind to checkboxes with stache converters.

Improved error messages & handling

Yesterday, Matthew blogged about the improvements to error handling in DoneJS. Check out that post for our philosophy on errors and how the changes to these DoneJS and StealJS packages will make your development workflow smoother:

Here’s an example of one of those improved error messages—trying to can-import a file that doesn’t exist:


YouTube trainings

Justin’s hosted a bunch of live-streams on YouTube:

Community survey

We run a community survey every six weeks to get a feel for what everyone would like Bitovi’s open source team to prioritize (sign up here if you’re not on our list).

Here are the proposals that have been most voted for on our surveys; we’ve already started working on some of them, while others we plan on starting in the coming weeks:

Say hi in person or online

If you’re in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, or Silicon Valley, be sure to RSVP to our meetups in those locations:

Not in those cities? Chat with us on our forums, Gitter, or Twitter!


We are really excited to have Maarten Bicknese take up maintaining steal-sass!

A little info about Maarten: he’s from the Netherlands and works as a freelance consultant. His first exposure to StealJS was through an article on CSS-Tricks about the modlet workflow.

He’s off to a quick start with steal-sass 1.1, which supports Node 6+ and includes some PRs that had gone unmerged while the project was unmaintained. Welcome to the team Maarten!

Last but certainly not least, we’d like to recognize the following people for their contributions to our open source projects:

Hire us

DoneJS’s main sponsor is Bitovi. We provide web and mobile application consulting services. We can build your app, work with you to build it, or teach you how to build it. To learn more visit bitovi.com or @bitovi on Twitter.