Angular 19 brings some exciting improvements—Event Replay, zoneless states, and most notably, linkedSignal
. Of all the new features, linkedSignal
stands out as a clear evolution of Angular’s reactivity model. It’s fast, intuitive, and drastically cuts down boilerplate while boosting performance. To me, it represents peak Angular—powerful, performant, and simple to use.
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linkedSignal in Angular 19: Clean State Management for Modern Teams

Dan Tran
Developer Preview of Standalone Support in Angular Elements
Have you seen it already? Angular version 14.2 is here with new features and improvements! One of the merged PRs includes creating custom elements without NgModule. In this post, we will take a look at how to create Angular Elements in Angular v14.2.

Eduard Krivanek
How to Use Ng Serve with Service Worker Support
In case you missed it: Angular version 14.2 was released with some new features and fixes across all Angular packages and the CLI.
This blog post will focus on the long-awaited ng serve with service worker feature on the Angular CLI.

Ilyass Elfouih
How to Speed Up Your Angular Builds
Slow builds stop developers' productivity cold. If code takes even two minutes to compile, it’s easy to get distracted. You lose your train of thought or, god forbid, open social media.

Kyle Nazario
Angular Upgrades: Painless Migration from TSLint to ESLint
Linting: the spell check of code. Once you have it, you can’t imagine how you ever lived without it. Useful for solo developers and large teams, linting keeps your code consistent and prevents bugs from getting anywhere near your production build.

Jonathan Spickerman