
Get Started with Tailwind CSS for Angular v12

Tailwind CSS is an easy-to-use CSS framework for quick UI development on anything from small projects to enterprise level applications. It's great for all CSS experience levels and since Angular v12 finally offers support for Tailwind, there's nothing getting in the way of giving this excellent framework a try. Here's a primer on Tailwind's features and how you can set it up with Angular v12. 

Idris Shedu

Idris Shedu


TypeScript Features Every Angular Developer Needs to Know

If you’re an Angular developer, you’re missing out if you’re not using advanced TypeScript features to help you build better code. 

Fábio Englert Moutinho

Fábio Englert Moutinho


Manage Form-Driven State with ngrx-forms (Part 2)

This post is a continuation from Part 1, where we set up a test project with NgRx and ngrx-forms in our Angular application. For part 2, we will validate our form.

Kyle Nazario

Kyle Nazario


Manage Form-Driven State with ngrx-forms (Part 1)

If your Angular application already uses NgRx, you know the value of writing good reducers and using one-way data flow. However, that knowledge may not be enough to keep the biggest form in your app from being a rat’s nest of FormGroups and related logic. Forget keeping components under 50 lines of code - your form logic alone blows past that.

Kyle Nazario

Kyle Nazario


When to Use the Non-Null Assertion Operator in Angular

If you've recently made the switch to using Strict Mode for Angular, good job, you're on your way to writing better code and governing a more maintainable codebase! However, your team may encounter new TypeScript "errors" they haven't seen before, like "Property 'myClassMember' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.ts". To find out more about this error and how to resolve it using the Non-null Assertion Operator, check out my post on dev.to here: https://dev.to/bitovi/non-null-assertion-operator-in-angular-g5l

Jennifer Wadella

Jennifer Wadella


Angular Consulting at Bitovi

Psst, hey you! Are you looking for a place to grow your Angular skills by working on interesting projects with fabulous teammates? 

At Bitovi we’re expert developer consultants that care about our craft and care about helping our customers achieve success in their software products. We invest ourselves fully in client success and make sure we bring the development knowledge & consulting skills they need to achieve their goals.

Jennifer Wadella

Jennifer Wadella


Building an Image Gallery with NgRx

Welcome to part two of my blog on NgRx! In Part One we solved common Angular state management problems using NgRx. In Part Two we’re getting hands-on by building stateful animated GIF gallery using NgRx and The Cat API

Jonathan Spickerman

Jonathan Spickerman