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The On-Going Benefits of Having a UX Designer
This is a follow-up to my previous post on the value of having a user experience designer on every project from the perspective of our own process at Bitovi.
The Bitovi Team
How a UX Designer Saves You Time and Money in Development
Make sure you’re building the right user interface before you build it. The old adage, "Measure twice, cut once" applies to digital projects, as well.
In this post, I'll explain the value of having a user experience designer from the perspective of our own process at Bitovi.
The Coffee Shop User Experience Lab
In this article I'll explain a simple, fast way to perform user testing, even with no budget or time. A lot of people don't immediately see the value in doing user experience testing, partly because it has the perception of being an expensive hassle or just a waste of time. A client recently told me, "We're already behind on this project and need to get right to the mock-ups."
Take a Step Back - Simple Tips to Quickly Check a Design for Usability
When it comes to creating user interfaces (UIs), user experience designers can get too close to the project and lose sight of basic usability. Sometimes you have to take a step back and obscure your view just enough to see potential problems that you might not notice otherwise. Here are some simple things you can do for a quick usability check. These tips are so easy, you'll find yourself doing them all the time.