
How to Manage Code Across Many Independent Repositories

The first, and most important step to supporting stability and innovation within CanJS's codebase has been breaking up CanJS into individual repositories, each with its own npm package and semantic version number. In this article, we will discuss:

  • The benefits of independent repositories.
  • How we manage a codebase split across many repositories.
Justin Meyer

Justin Meyer

Stable and Innovative Code Bases

CanJS’s mission is to make sure the code you write today is valuable years in the future. This starts by ensuring CanJS is thriving despite constantly changing techniques and technology. We’ve learned a lot managing CanJS’s 10 year old codebase. This is the first of many (possibly 7!) articles highlighting techniques the DoneJS core team uses to keep CanJS stable and innovative within a constantly changing technology landscape. While CanJS’s code base is used as an example, these techniques apply to any code base.

Justin Meyer

Justin Meyer

How To Use NDJSON Streams with can-connect

In our previous post, we talked about how to improve an app’s performance and user experience by incrementally updating our app’s UI as we received a stream of data from our API. Our example app was built on the Fetch API and can-ndjson-stream to get a ReadableStream of NDJSON and render the stream in our app.

The Bitovi Team

The Bitovi Team

Introducing DoneJS 1.0—Get Your App Done 🏁

Today we’re super excited to announce DoneJS 1.0, the complete and integrated solution to building high-performance, real-time web, mobile, and desktop applications. DoneJS covers every client-side feature you need to get a production-worthy application off the ground, whether you’re building a web application, a mobile app with Cordova, or a desktop app with Electron or NW.js.

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

How to add Real-time Data to your .NET Application

Web applications have increasingly turned to real-time data to provide more dynamic and useful features - for example chat, collaborative editing, and real-time analytics. This trend is evident in the .NET world. While .NET is great, real-time .NET is even better.

Brian Moschel

Brian Moschel