
Introducing CanJS

This past Tuesday, at JSConf in Pheonix, Bitovi released CanJS (download). CanJS is the MVC parts of JavaScriptMVC, extracted into a single script download, with additional features that make it sizzle. There’s a lot of client-side MVC libraries out there, but this article will explain what sets CanJS apart from its competition.

Brian Moschel

Brian Moschel

Significant Whitespace

If you haven't read it already, please read Ryan Florence's A Case Against Using CoffeeScript. It's well thought out and makes a lot of interesting points. But for me, the most important one was: Significant White-space Means CoffeeScript Will Always Be Compiled.

Justin Meyer

Justin Meyer

StealJS - Script Manager

There's a lot more to making JavaScript apps than writing JavaScript. StealJS is a collection of command and browser based JavaScript utilities that make building, packaging, sharing, and consuming JavaScript applications easy.

Brian Moschel

Brian Moschel

FuncUnit - Fun Web Application Testing

Last week we released Syn and mentioned how all testing solutions suffer from some fatal flaw. Today, we are releasing a beta of FuncUnit, which has "solved" JavaScript web application testing.

Brian Moschel

Brian Moschel