
Introducing React-View-Model — MVVM with React

At Bitovi, we work with React on lots of client projects, and we like its straightforward API and using JSX for templates. Redux is common in the React community, and we know it’s not the right solution for every project.

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

Tutorial: Automate Your Upgrade to CanJS 3 with can-migrate

In this tutorial, we will migrate a CanJS app to CanJS 3 using can-migrate, a CLI codebase refactoring tool that automates a large portion of the work required to upgrade a 2.x codebase to CanJS 3.

The Bitovi Team

The Bitovi Team

How To Use NDJSON Streams with can-connect

In our previous post, we talked about how to improve an app’s performance and user experience by incrementally updating our app’s UI as we received a stream of data from our API. Our example app was built on the Fetch API and can-ndjson-stream to get a ReadableStream of NDJSON and render the stream in our app.

The Bitovi Team

The Bitovi Team

Slimming Down Steal

The slim loader is a new minimal production loader for StealJS apps. You can think of slim as taking all of the useful features that StealJS provides and stripping them away to only what you actually use in your application. This means that your users don't download any code that you're not using, which improves the speed of your application.

The Bitovi Team

The Bitovi Team