
Hashchange Routing with can.route - Part 1 - Basics

This article is the first of a two part series on CanJS's hashchange routing system - can.route. This part walks through the basics of hashchange routing and how can.route can be used for basic patterns. Specifically, it covers:

Justin Meyer

Justin Meyer

Faster jQuery.event.fix with ES5 Getters

If you turn on a profiler in most of the apps we've built and click around like a user, after a while you'll notice jQuery.event.fix is often taking the most time (in the video below, it takes 6.34% of the total time). Following the logic behind Amdahl's law, it makes sense that making jQuery.event.fix faster would have the greatest impact on our apps. This article walks through:

Justin Meyer

Justin Meyer

Introducing CanJS

This past Tuesday, at JSConf in Pheonix, Bitovi released CanJS (download). CanJS is the MVC parts of JavaScriptMVC, extracted into a single script download, with additional features that make it sizzle. There’s a lot of client-side MVC libraries out there, but this article will explain what sets CanJS apart from its competition.

Brian Moschel

Brian Moschel

StealJS - Script Manager

There's a lot more to making JavaScript apps than writing JavaScript. StealJS is a collection of command and browser based JavaScript utilities that make building, packaging, sharing, and consuming JavaScript applications easy.

Brian Moschel

Brian Moschel

FuncUnit - Fun Web Application Testing

Last week we released Syn and mentioned how all testing solutions suffer from some fatal flaw. Today, we are releasing a beta of FuncUnit, which has "solved" JavaScript web application testing.

Brian Moschel

Brian Moschel