Do you often find yourself shuffling between Jira boards and calendars, hoping this sprint, you’ll get the workload balance right? TPOs and Scrum Masters managing multiple teams know the struggle all too well. It’s difficult to know whether a team is at capacity until they’ve already exceeded it.
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Managing Parallel Design System and App Development
At Bitovi, we embrace the concept of a design system. Global patterns and components provide standard look, feel, and reusability across a suite of applications. We have our own, and we often build them for our clients. Ideally, a design system is fully developed and available before building applications that will use it.

Paul Herzog
How to Create a Website Roadmap in 7 Steps
Wondering how to create a roadmap for your static website project? You’re in the right place! Whether you're just starting out or looking to improve your skills, we've got you covered. In this post, we’ll share valuable information and tips to help you navigate the static website roadmapping process and ensure a successful outcome.

Megha Sehgal
Improve Team Velocity with an Efficient Code Review Process
You’re a Product Owner or an Engineering Team Lead. You are judged on a variety of metrics, but much of it boils down to 3 things:
How quickly your team produces new features
How accurately you hit your deadlines
How many show-stopping bugs your project has

Ryan Spencer
What Does a Good Code Review Look Like?
Code review is an essential part of the software development process, where developers review each other's code to ensure that it is of high quality, follows best practices, and is aligned with the project's goals. A good code review is thorough, constructive, and efficient and can significantly improve the quality of the codebase and the overall development process.

Ali Shouman
Project Management Series: What is the Project Lifecycle?
Understanding the project lifecycle is key to successful project management. The project lifecycle is the path each project takes from beginning to end. While the boundaries between each step might be difficult to grasp at first, most (not all) successful projects will have a five step lifecycle. Follow this guide to learn the five steps of the project lifecycle and the actions taken in each step.

Megha Sehgal
Work Smarter: Optimize Your Checklists with Emoji-Coding ✅
Ready to level-up your note taking and task management? Emoji-coding is a fun little technique to help you manage your checklists. It's designed to help document and tackle tasks more efficiently, regardless of the digital note taking medium.

Luca Wistendahl
Quick Software Project Estimator
Everyone wants to know how much a project will cost before the work begins.
Whether you're working as a consultant for a client or pitching a project to a decision maker within your company, it's hard for them to say yes or no without knowing how many billable hours will be involved.
The problem is that estimating a project well is a time-consuming process in itself.
We've built more complex tools for accurate estimation, but we also have a Quick Software Project Estimator that gives prospective clients a rough estimate in the shortest amount of time possible.
Here's how it works, where to get it, and how to use it for your estimations.

Justin Meyer
How to Break Down Epics into User Stories
I’m going to show you a technique to rapidly build effective stories for apps and websites. We use this technique on client projects to quickly build bite-sized stories that maximize customer value, avoid risk, and minimize blockers.

Justin Meyer