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Collection of Vue Macros in Vue.js 3.3
Many developers (myself included) were excited when Vue.js version 3.3 introduced several functionalities from Vue Macros, the collection of proposed additions to Vue.js that extend its basic functionalities with syntactic sugar.
Eduard Krivanek
Vue.js Reactivity System: Ref, reactive, shallowRef, & shallowReactive
Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that provides developers with various tools to create dynamic and reactive web applications.
New in Vue.js 3.3: Two-Way Binding With defineModel Macro
With the upcoming Vue.js version 3.3, the community once again doesn’t disappoint. Vue.js 3.3 includes many useful features that improve productivity and developer velocity.
How to Get Started with Pinia in Vue
You are starting your VueJs project and you get stuck on a question: how am I going to share data across multiple components? While there are a variety of lightweight state management libraries for Vue, Pinia is the one officially recommended by the Vue team, that solves sharing data across components intuitively.