Closures page

Join us as we cover closure scope in JavaScript!


  • Pass by reference vs pass by value
  • Basic closures
  • Closure gotchas
  • Self invoking, anonymous functions
  • Exercise!




The problem

Build a tag library that creates elements of the following types in the least lines of code:
a, div, span, form, h1, h2, h3, h4.

For example, you could use it like:

var h1 = make.h1();
h1.innerHTML = 'Hello World';

var a = make.a();
a.href= '';
a.innerHTML = 'CanJS';

Click the button at the bottom of the following to begin the exercise:

<p>Welcome to the closures exercise! Open the JavaScript panel
    to implement the make functions. </p>
<div id="qunit"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>

<script type="module">
/* make util code here! */

const make = {};

make.h1 = function() {
    return document.createElement('h1');
make.a = function() {
    return document.createElement('a');

/* end make util code */

// Test code. There’s no need to edit the following:
QUnit.test("make works", function(){
    var h1 = make.h1();
    h1.innerHTML = 'Hello World';
    var a = make.a();
    a.href= '';
    a.innerHTML = 'Bitovi';
    QUnit.equal(h1.nodeName, "H1", "h1 nodeName");
    QUnit.equal(a.nodeName,"A", "a nodeName");
        "an 'h1' string is not hard coded in the function");

    [`a`, `div`, `span`, `form`, `h1`, `h2`, `h3`, `h4`].forEach(function(name){
        QUnit.equal(typeof make[name], "function", "make."+name+" exists");

What you need to know

  • Functions can return functions. For example, the following maps an array to an array of functions:
    const numbers = [1,2,3,4];
    const squareFunctions = function(number){
      return function(){
        return number * number;
    console.log( squareFunctions[1]() ) //-> Logs 4
- `document.createElement('h1')` creates and returns an `

` element.

The solution

<p>Welcome to the closures exercise! Open the JavaScript panel
    to implement the make functions. </p>
<div id="qunit"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>

<script type="module">
/* make util code here! */

const make = {};

[`a`, `div`, `span`, `form`, `h1`, `h2`, `h3`, `h4`].forEach(function(name){
    make[name] = function(){
        return document.createElement(name);

/* end make util code */

// Test code. There’s no need to edit the following:
QUnit.test("make works", function(){
    var h1 = make.h1();
    h1.innerHTML = 'Hello World';
    var a = make.a();
    a.href= '';
    a.innerHTML = 'Bitovi';
    QUnit.equal(h1.nodeName, "H1", "h1 nodeName");
    QUnit.equal(a.nodeName,"A", "a nodeName");
        "an 'h1' string is not hard coded in the function");

    [`a`, `div`, `span`, `form`, `h1`, `h2`, `h3`, `h4`].forEach(function(name){
        QUnit.equal(typeof make[name], "function", "make."+name+" exists");