Render Todos page

Learn how to render a view.

The problem

  • Add a todosList property to the AppViewModel whose default value will be a Todo.List with the following data:

      { name: "mow lawn", complete: false, id: 5 },
      { name: "dishes", complete: true, id: 6 },
      { name: "learn canjs", complete: false, id: 7 }
  • Write out an <li> for each todo in todosList, including:

    • write the todo’s name in the <label>
    • add completed in the <li>’s class if the todo is complete.
    • check the todo’s checkbox if the todo is complete.
  • Write out the number of items left and completed count in the “Clear completed” button.

What you need to know

The solution

Click to see the solution

Update index.js to the following:

// index.js
import {Component} from "can";
import view from "./index.stache";
import Todo from "~/models/todo";

import test from "can-todomvc-test";

    tag: "todo-mvc",
    ViewModel: {
        appName: {default: "TodoMVC"},
        todosList: {
            default: function(){
                return new Todo.List([
                    { name: "mow lawn", complete: false, id: 5 },
                    { name: "dishes", complete: true, id: 6 },
                    { name: "learn canjs", complete: false, id: 7 }

const appVM = window.appVM = document.querySelector("todo-mvc").viewModel;


Update index.stache to the following:

<!-- index.stache -->
<section id="todoapp">
    <header id="header">
        <h1>{{ this.appName }}</h1>
        <input id="new-todo" placeholder="What needs to be done?">
    <section id="main" class="">
        <input id="toggle-all" type="checkbox">
        <label for="toggle-all">Mark all as complete</label>
        <ul id="todo-list">
            {{# for(todo of this.todosList) }}
                <li class="todo {{# if(todo.complete) }}completed{{/ if }}">
                    <div class="view">
                        <input class="toggle" type="checkbox"
                            {{# if(todo.complete) }}checked{{/ if }} />
                        <label>{{ }}</label>
                        <button class="destroy"></button>
                    <input class="edit" type="text" value="{{ }}" />
            {{/ for }}
    <footer id="footer" class="">
        <span id="todo-count">
            <strong>{{ }}</strong> items left
        <ul id="filters">
                <a class="selected" href="#!">All</a>
                <a href="#!active">Active</a>
                <a href="#!completed">Completed</a>
        <button id="clear-completed">
            Clear completed ({{ this.todosList.complete.length }})