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Free Weekly Online JavaScript Training!

Bitovi is hosting a weekly 45 minute JavaScript training for intermediate to advanced JavaScript developers.

Justin Meyer

Justin Meyer

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Bitovi is providing a public 45 minute JavaScript training every week. The trainings are for intermediate to advanced JavaScript developers looking to take their frontend skills to the next level.


If you're interested, subscribe to the following calendar which lists all the training times and topics. Click on a topic for a brief description of the training and a link to the Google Hangout which will be used to give the training. The first session in the series is here.

If you are not using Google Calendar, you can subscribe to this calendar with the following urls:



Why you should attend

This training is designed to make people proficient at JavaScript application development from the ground up. A fundamental understanding of how JavaScript, the DOM, and other technologies work is, in the long run, essential to make good choices in large scale application development.

We've been perfecting this training over 7 years. Recently, we presented the JavaScript, DOM, and jQuery parts at Frontend Masters and the feedback was great:

Check out the free lesson on the Frontend Master's site for an idea of how we train.

The details

Our plan is to do a 45 minute or shorter lesson every week followed by 15 minutes of open Q and A. The Bitovi Frontend Training Calendar will be used to schedule all events.

The lessons will be done on Google Hangouts on Air. The Bitovi Frontend Training Calendar events will include a link to the hangout prior to the event date.

The videos will be automatically posted to YouTube following the training. Attendees can ask questions during the training via the Q & A app integrated with Google Hangouts.

Q & A can be on any subject related to frontend programming. However, initial preference will be given to questions related to the day's training material.

Currently, all trainings are scheduled to take place on Wednesdays at 12PM (noon) CST. We might change the time or date to better accommodate more attendees.

Why are we doing this

We originally intended this to be only for Bitovi’s clients. As our clients add new developers, we want to provide them the same excellent training that everyone else receives when they start working with us. We have decided to make this training public to everyone because it’s beneficial to the entire JavaScript community. These trainings are just a taste of what we provide in our in-person training.