Do you often find yourself shuffling between Jira boards and calendars, hoping this sprint, you’ll get the workload balance right? TPOs and Scrum Masters managing multiple teams know the struggle all too well. It’s difficult to know whether a team is at capacity until they’ve already exceeded it.
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React Hooks vs. Classes: The Ultimate Comparison [with Code Examples]
Lately, I’ve seen a lot of conflicting talk in React forums around class components and hooks. For junior and more advanced React devs, I would like to clarify by answering some of the most commonly asked questions around hooks vs. class components.
Ryan Spencer
How to Recognize Your Team Without Spending Money [Free Slack App]
Employee recognition matters. But in a time of tightening tech budgets, it’s tough to find free ways to recognize your team. Most remote team recognition options are either a steep investment or, worse, a complete flop that leaves employees feeling underappreciated.
Phil Henning
Managing Parallel Design System and App Development
At Bitovi, we embrace the concept of a design system. Global patterns and components provide standard look, feel, and reusability across a suite of applications. We have our own, and we often build them for our clients. Ideally, a design system is fully developed and available before building applications that will use it.
Paul Herzog
Should Your Team Be Using Micro Frontends and Module Federation?
Is your frontend project suffering from too many cooks in the kitchen? Is deployment mind-numbingly slow? Are you becoming locked into an obsolete technology stack? You might need micro frontends and module federation.
Arthur Pankiewicz
Comparing Schema Validation Libraries: AJV, Joi, Yup, and Zod
Overwhelmed by the options for schema validation? Comparing tools can be confusing. With so many options, how do you know which one is best for your needs? In this post, we’ll compare AJV, Joi, Yup, and Zod in their functionality and usability.
Roy Ayoola
DevOps Consulting: Continuous Delivery
If you’re working with software, you’ve probably come across the terms “Continuous Delivery,” “Pipeline Runners,” and “Infrastructure as Code (IaC).” Or perhaps you’re already benefiting from automated deployments in your organization and want to learn more about the inner workings of these magic boxes.
Mick McGrath
How to Create a Website Roadmap in 7 Steps
Wondering how to create a roadmap for your static website project? You’re in the right place! Whether you're just starting out or looking to improve your skills, we've got you covered. In this post, we’ll share valuable information and tips to help you navigate the static website roadmapping process and ensure a successful outcome.
Megha Sehgal