
How to Think About and Build Design Systems

Establishing a Design System improves the quality of a product for the people creating and maintaining it and offers the end-user a better experience. While building a Design System prior to creating a product is the best approach, you may find yourself in the position of having to create one retroactively. Instead of having made documented design decisions prior to development, you have to identify existing patterns and consider how best to standardize them. 

Wade Harkins

Wade Harkins


Handling Errors with RxJS

In Angular and other modern web frameworks, the UI is so intertwined that one unexpected response from the server can turn a beautiful website into a blank screen. Fortunately, you can build in error handling to help avoid this terrible scenario.

Adrian Ferguson

Adrian Ferguson


Why You Should Move from Selenium to Cypress for Angular

Do you use Selenium for your Angular testing? You should consider moving to Cypress. Selenium does one thing (end-to-end tests) that Cypress does, but Cypress also has many tools that allow for different types of integration tests.

End-to-end tests are meant to simulate a user interacting with your website. Selenium took the approach of building browser plugins that allow tests to interact with the browser, similar to how a user would. Cypress tests run inside the browser with an accompanying Node.js process for observing and controlling the network. This gives Cypress insights into the application's execution that Selenium doesn't have.

AJ Wiebe

AJ Wiebe


Boost Angular Performance by Rendering Pages with Scully

While Angular is one of the most widely used frameworks in the world, it has a problem with generating static sites that are performant and search engine optimized.

Jessie Valladares

Jessie Valladares