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Object.observe is dead, long live ES6 Proxies
Observables and "computed" values are something that every modern framework provides in some fashion. Frameworks that have explicit observables and computed values (Ember, Knockout, CanJS, etc) can provide high performance updates and, in my opinion, a more natural development experience.

Justin Meyer
Style Guide Driven Development: A How To Guide To Improve your Development Workflow
Style Guide Driven Development (SGDD) is a fairly new term I first heard from Nicole Sullivan’s talk about her experience on a project for Pivotal Labs. But thinking about some more, I realized SGDD is, at a high level, a practice many are already doing: developing components and documenting them in a style guide.

The Bitovi Team
Live Style Guides for Teams, Powered by DocumentJS
A team with both designers and developers needs a simple resource to share a project's styles and best practices. DocumentCSS generates a Live Style Guide so style documentation evolves along with the project. This project was built with the belief that a united team goal does not change the needs of individual roles. Whether you're an engineer, a designer, or somewhere in-between: we're building this for you.

The Bitovi Team