A skill our Node.js Consulting team practices often is the process of breaking down new product requirements into actionable technical requirements. This is one of the most critical capabilities for a developer to learn in order to help their organization swiftly deliver new features to their users. In this post, we’ll talk through the process we use on our projects.
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Day.js: A Convenient Alternative to Moment.js for Node.js Consulting
With the phasing out of the popular datetime library Moment.js, one of our Node.js consulting clients wanted to prioritize finding a replacement. We ultimately chose to migrate to Day.js, a minimalist JavaScript library. Among the alternatives, Day.js offered many advantages, chief among them being that it is lightweight and the most syntactically close to Moment.js.

Nicole Greene
Four Lessons I Learned Node.js Consulting for a Fortune 500 Company
For the last few years, several members of my team and I have been working with a Fortune 500 global company to help build a Node.js ecommerce platform. We learned many valuable lessons along the way. Lessons we feel are too valuable not to share.
Kevin Phillips
Director of Backend Development
What's New in Node.js and GraphQL for 2023?
Lots of things change year over year, especially in backend development. GraphQL, as well as Node.js, are no exception! We’ll cover some background context for the changes leading up to 2023 and then highlight the most relevant changes that happened last year. Without further ado, let’s hop in!

Emil Kais
Comparing Schema Validation Libraries: AJV, Joi, Yup, and Zod
Overwhelmed by the options for schema validation? Comparing tools can be confusing. With so many options, how do you know which one is best for your needs? In this post, we’ll compare AJV, Joi, Yup, and Zod in their functionality and usability.

Roy Ayoola
How to Use Node.js Temporal Workflows to Batch Process Operations
Temporal is a great tool for batch processing—in this post, we’ll show you all of the solutions that Temporal provides for when you need to handle tens, hundreds, or even thousands of operations.
Kevin Phillips
Director of Backend Development