ChatGPT is hot right now, so I thought I should experiment with letting it write a blog post. It did surprisingly well. The following is more than half AI-generated. For the most part, the first paragraph in each section is ChatGPT, and the more in-depth explanation and code examples are from me for added clarity. I also reordered the sections to flow better. Enjoy!
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React Hooks vs. Classes: The Ultimate Comparison [with Code Examples]
Lately, I’ve seen a lot of conflicting talk in React forums around class components and hooks. For junior and more advanced React devs, I would like to clarify by answering some of the most commonly asked questions around hooks vs. class components.

Ryan Spencer
Should Your Team Be Using Micro Frontends and Module Federation?
Is your frontend project suffering from too many cooks in the kitchen? Is deployment mind-numbingly slow? Are you becoming locked into an obsolete technology stack? You might need micro frontends and module federation.

Arthur Pankiewicz
Improve Team Velocity with an Efficient Code Review Process
You’re a Product Owner or an Engineering Team Lead. You are judged on a variety of metrics, but much of it boils down to 3 things:
How quickly your team produces new features
How accurately you hit your deadlines
How many show-stopping bugs your project has

Ryan Spencer
What Does a Good Code Review Look Like?
Code review is an essential part of the software development process, where developers review each other's code to ensure that it is of high quality, follows best practices, and is aligned with the project's goals. A good code review is thorough, constructive, and efficient and can significantly improve the quality of the codebase and the overall development process.

Ali Shouman
React Everywhere with Vite and React-to-Web-Component
React is the most popular frontend web development library in use today. However, there’s a problem. Competing frameworks undermine what could be a ubiquity—React, as far as the eye can see, an ever-flowing landscape context and declarative UI. This is the dream of React developers. All awaiting the day our awe-inspiring idea becomes reality. Well, rejoice, for the day is here! I have come before you to lay the groundwork for fulfilling our vision.

David Nicholas
TypeScript 4.9 Features and Improvements
It’s always exciting for developers when languages release new versions—whether they fix issues, introduce new features, or both! The release of TypeScript 4.9 on November 15th, 2022 introduces a new operator, performance improvements, plus a variety of new features and capabilities. Allow us to introduce 3 of our favorites:

Josh Glantz-Hucks
Create Dynamic Components with Strings in React & TypeScript
While writing React apps, we often run into scenarios where we might need a component to render as different elements. These elements could be different HTML tags or other React Components. Have you ever run into any of the following scenarios :

Yash Bajaj