User testing is a great way to validate assumptions and gain new insights about how people interact with our websites and apps. When it comes to eCommerce (and in particular mobile commerce or “mCommerce”) it’s critical to understand how people find and purchase products online. This was evident on one project where we were tasked with testing the mobile website design for retail membership giant, Sam’s. As it turns out, there are many common navigation patterns that aren’t nearly as effective as people might think.
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What is UX Design?
Think of the app on your phone that you love using: the one that just makes sense when you use it, the one that feels like it was built with you in mind. This is good UX or User Experience. Good UX makes an application sticky; it invites new users and retains active users. UX is the process of designing an application (or product) that is intuitive for people to use by considering how they will use it. Intuitive interactions are important for every project simply because people like things that are ‘easy to use’. However, creating a product that is easy to use takes lot of time, expertise, and iterations.
The Bitovi Team
Introducing DoneJS 1.0—Get Your App Done 🏁
Today we’re super excited to announce DoneJS 1.0, the complete and integrated solution to building high-performance, real-time web, mobile, and desktop applications. DoneJS covers every client-side feature you need to get a production-worthy application off the ground, whether you’re building a web application, a mobile app with Cordova, or a desktop app with Electron or NW.js.
Chasen Le Hara
How to add Real-time Data to your .NET Application
Web applications have increasingly turned to real-time data to provide more dynamic and useful features - for example chat, collaborative editing, and real-time analytics. This trend is evident in the .NET world. While .NET is great, real-time .NET is even better.
Brian Moschel
User Testing from a Tradeshow Booth
There is nothing more rewarding than watching people use your app and seeing how they interact with it. User testing is a lot like making dinner for someone; you choose a recipe, ingredients, and invest time making a meal you hope your guests will like. Then you sit down with them and talk about what is good about the meal, what could be improved, and if you’d make it again. At Bitovi, we put a lot of value on testing our designs (and our assumptions!) to be sure we’re building the right thing for our clients and our clients' customers.
The Bitovi Team