
StealJS 1.0 Release

StealJS 1.0 is here and represents an important milestone along its mission. This article reiterates that important mission, goes over a few of 1.0's most useful features, explains how to upgrade for 0.16 users, and looks ahead to what's coming on StealJS's roadmap.

StealJS's mission is to make it cheap and easy to do the right thing. Doing the right thing, when building for the web, includes things such as writing tests and breaking your applications into smaller mini-applications (modlets) that can be composed together.

The Bitovi Team

The Bitovi Team

How to Upgrade a DoneJS Plugin to CanJS 3

CanJS 3 has been released! It’s a major new version with some breaking changes, but our migration guide has everything you need to upgrade your app or plugin today.

Chasen Le Hara

Chasen Le Hara

How to Debug Server Side Rendering

One of the most impressive parts of a DoneJS application is Server Side Rendering (SSR). You can write your code once and it will render both on an SSR-enabled web server and in the browser. You’ve probably noticed, while building your DoneJS app, that it’s a generally seamless experience. However, you’ll eventually run into a situation where the code on the server doesn't execute the way you would expect. Let’s take a look at why that’s the case, then I’ll show you a neat little DoneJS utility that makes it easy to debug these situations when they appear.

Marshall Thompson

Marshall Thompson


Module Loaders: Master the Pipeline!

We will focus on how a JavaScript module can be loaded, and get a gist of what all module loaders do.

If you are new to modules in JavaScript I would recommend to start with this article by Addy Osmani.

Do you use Browserify, WebPack, jspm, StealJS, or SystemJS? This article will provide a peak under the hood at the layer on top of which those libraries are implemented.

The nature of a human brain is that it cannot deal with a lot of objects at the same time (Miller’s Law). If you are going to build a large JavaScript application, you should stop, remember this limitation and start thinking in terms of modules.

Modules are a way to organize your application. Simply break your functionality into small pieces, focusing on how they will work with each other, and then assemble them together. A module could be seen as a black box with a clear, simple API. Modules commonly depend on other modules.

In today's modern browsers, there is support for not only writing and loading modules, but performing various low-level tasks around loading and executing the module. This article will explain the current standard for module loaders - their lifecycle and their hooks. A future article will show a detailed example for how to use these hooks.

Pop quiz! If you have modules written in CoffeeScript and CommonJS, is it possible to use them both within an ES6 application?

The Bitovi Team

The Bitovi Team