Linting is an important step to ensure code quality, and it fits well as an automated process in the development pipeline. Most teams use the default lint configuration provided by their framework, missing opportunities to prevent runtime errors and increase code quality with the extended set of ESLint rules.
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Is Your Angular Build Slow Due to Bloated Dependencies?
Bulky dependencies can slow down the build speed of your Angular application and cause your Angular bundle to bloat. A common reason why an Angular bundle is bloated is that it uses a library like MomentJS that isn't tree-shakable. Replacing problematic dependencies can cause significant improvements to your developer experience and reduce your application's build time.
Mark Thompson
How to Improve Your Angular E-Commerce Application with Scully
Scully is a “Static Site Generator for Angular apps” that enables Angular apps to pre-render pages with dynamic content to improve performance metrics like First Contentful Paint (FCP), Time to Interactive (TTI), and others which are used by Search Engines to rank your website.
Fábio Englert Moutinho
GraphQL & Apollo - An Intro For Angular Developers
GraphQL is a popular alternative to REST APIs. GraphQL has the potential to simplify and optimize frontend code. In this blog post, we'll demonstrate how to query for data from a GraphQL backend in an Angular application.
Nicole Greene