This article provides a simple JavaScript project checklist that you can use in your own projects.
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Hot module replacement comes to StealJS
StealJS 0.10.0 just landed with a new feature that could change the way you develop: live-reload. Live-reload is an extension for Steal that speeds up development by eliminating the need to ever refresh your browser. It does this by intelligently reloading modules that become stale as you change your code. This technique is also known as "hot swapping" of modules. Steal doesn't refresh the page, but only re-imports modules that are marked as dirty. The result is a blazing fast development experience. See live-reload in action:

The Bitovi Team
Using CanJS 2.2 with StealJS and NPM
CanJS has always been fully modular and can be used with different module formats like AMD or CommonJS and installed via Bower or NPM or the direct download. When using a module loader - unlike many other frameworks that simply provide a UMD wrapper for the entire library - CanJS will only load the dependencies it really needs.

The Bitovi Team