Linting: the spell check of code. Once you have it, you can’t imagine how you ever lived without it. Useful for solo developers and large teams, linting keeps your code consistent and prevents bugs from getting anywhere near your production build.
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Prepare for Anything with GSAP
Learn how and why GreenSock became our animation pick
Feeling uncertain about how to add animation to a Web site or single page app? We’ve been in the same boat. There are plenty of CSS and JS animation frameworks available, ranging from free and easy (but limited and inflexible) to steeper learning curve, robust, can-do-almost-anything paid options. None are necessarily a “bad” choice, but you definitely don’t want to make a choice and find out later it can’t do everything you need, then have to start over with something new (losing valuable project time and developer resources, maybe even client confidence).
![The Bitovi Team](
The Bitovi Team
5 Reasons to Choose Node.js
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when you are accustomed to using a particular language or framework. But have you taken a look at what Node.js has to offer?
Node.js has a robust package manager, broad AWS support, and potential for rapid development, and in our opinion, it stacks up against Java, Go, Ruby on Rails, and Python. Take a look at five reasons why Node.js might be the perfect framework for your next project.
![The Bitovi Team](
The Bitovi Team
DevOps Automation using StackStorm - Cloud Deployment via BitOps
Last time, we had refactored our basic one-line install of StackStorm and our custom pack into an Ansible playbook. The Ansible playbook works well enough on its own but still requires us to already have a server setup for Ansible to execute the playbook on. What if we didn't need that pre-existing server and were able to on-the-fly provision one for our playbook? This arena is where Infrastructure-as-Code (IAC) initiatives really shine and where I would now like to introduce BitOps.
![Dylan Lundquist](
Dylan Lundquist
DevOps Automation using StackStorm - Deploying with Ansible
This is the second part in a StackStorm tutorial series:
- Part 1: DevOps Automation using StackStorm - Getting Started
- Part 2: DevOps Automation using StackStorm- Deploying with Ansible
- Part 3: DevOps Automation using StackStorm - Cloud Deployment via BitOps
- Part 4: DevOps Automation using StackStorm - BitOps Secrets Management
To complete this tutorial you will need:
- ansible
- A Linux server with basic internet connectivity
If you prefer skipping ahead to the final solution, the code created in this tutorial is on Github.
![Dylan Lundquist](
Dylan Lundquist
Combine Terraform and Ansible to Provision and Configure a Web Server
Last Updated: December 01, 2022
Terraform is one of the best tools for provisioning cloud infrastructure, but when working with virtual machines lacks good support for SSH'ing on to the server to configure it. This is where Ansible shines.
Passing the output of Terraform in to Ansible is not a documented process, so we'll be looking at a practical example using Terraform to create an AWS EC2 instance and configure NGINX on it with Ansible. The whole process will be orchestrated using BitOps - an open source deployment tool that bundles and runs terraform and ansible executables.
Connor Graham