
More Mocks! Mocking Modules in Vitest

As of 2024, Vitest is all the rage for testing. But can we apply what we learned about mocking modules in Jest to Vitest? Absolutely!

Rich McNeary

Rich McNeary


Meet React to Web Component v2

Greetings, dev community! The highly-anticipated release of the new React to Web Component (@R2WC/react-to-web-component) API is here! We have been thrilled by the level of adoption version 1.0 has attained within the developer community. You have provided great feedback in our Discord and GitHub issues on your pain points and the ways in which we can improve R2WC. And we listened!

Bavin Edwards

Bavin Edwards


Mocking Modules in Jest Tests

You’ve probably found your way to this post because you're trying to create mock code for tests that use the Jest framework and are having difficulty getting your mock to work the way you want. This post focuses on why you might choose one Jest method over another to create a mock—and how to use it—so you can work and write tests more quickly.

Rich McNeary

Rich McNeary